Direct consultation is free to all to contact Dr.Gurudeva either by phone: 732-448-0667(U.S.A), 020-8144-6490(U.K) or in person.-:- Talk to Dr.Gurudeva and know the solutions to your problems. -:- Gems are considered as the first remedial measure to doshas, malefic effects of planets. -:- Rings made with gems should be open on their backside except for Diamond. -:- Gems can be worn either as pendants or rings. -:- Each gem should be worn on a designated finger only. -:- Gem weight must be calculated on the basis of Strength of the planet in horoscope, Age and Weight of the person. -:- Never remove your lucky gems from your body once worn in auspicious time. -:- Only certain gems are suitable to the person. -:- Gems must be worn in auspicious time to get the excellent results. -:- Indraneelam is the most powerful gem among all gems. -:- Gems yield results in Dasas or Antar dasas of planets. -:- Yellow sapphire is not suitable to everyone, even though Guru is a natural benefic planet.

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CORONA VIRUS  (Coronavirus Astrology)


As per Present year planetory positions, Currently Rahu sitting Ardra star and Ketu sitting in Moola star. Ardra and Moola are Own Nakshatras to rahu, ketu. This same position happend around sep 11, 2001. Now It is repeating.


On 23rd March Mars enetring in to Capricorn. Saturn already sitting in Capricorn. Saturn and Mars are deadliest enemies. They always involved in planetory war. In Vedic astrology We dont welcome their conjuction in any zodiac sign. Lot of  malefic effects are common. Here Capricorn is own house to saturn and exalted house to Mars. Both the planets are very strong warriors here. Situation get worse since then.


On 30th March , 2020, Jupiter also enters in to capricorn. But it is debilitated position to Jupiter. This Trio (Debilitated Jupiter, Mars, Saturn) will make the situation serious. This combination formed after 793 years. This is called Brahmana hatya dosha also called Mahammari dosha.


This bad planetary position can give mass deaths and change cultures. This dosha is the reason for Natural disasters/ calamities / Pandemics. All people should follow Guidelines from WHO, Govts in this tough period.


USA Moon sign is Aquarius (kumbha rashi). It is very danger period to USA. Capricorn will be 12th house to Aquarius. April month is Death Month to USA. India Moon sign is Cancer. For Cancer moon sign, Capricorn is 7th house. 7th house is also Maraka sthan. April month is Bad month to India also.


On April 15th Sun enetring in to Aries sign. This is a good indication. Sun is a protector here. Aries is exalted position to sun. Temperatures also increases world wide.


On April 18th the distance between Mars and saturn becomes 10 Degrees. Once Distance increases between these 2 planets tension releases. Situation starts better.


On 5th May 2020, Mars completely exits Capricorn. By that time we may hear some good news. Doctors/ Scientists May find some Solution / treatmens / medicines / vaccines etc.


This period is too bad for Mithuna rashi, Karka rashi, Dhanushu rashi, Makara rashi, Kumbha rashi people. For Kanya rashi, Tula rashi people Mixed results indicated.


God bless world







Mars, Saturn, Rahu are Natural malefics. Any 2 of these planets sitting in 7th house or 2nd house...then divorce will happen.
If Jupiter also debilitated in Horoscope along with above condition divorce will happen with in 3 years of marriage.
If Dwikalatra dosham or Tri kalathra dosham present in horoscope..then also divorce will happen.
Jupiter debilitation and sapthamadhipathi debilitation also leads to divorce.
Strong Manglik dosham leads to divorce.
Strong Sani dosham also leads to divorce.
Sade sati ending year is the worst time period among whole sade sati. Above conditions show 200% effect in sade sati ending year.
By seeing children horoscopes also we can find possibility of Divorce in parents.
Late marriages are mainly due to saturn. Not just because of Mars (Manglik).
Some times late marriages are remedy to Viyog doshas(Divorce).
Dr.Gurudeva, Indian astrologer,Jyotish, USA.



Dhanur Masam 

Dhanur Masam ( Festival month) starting from 15 -Dec-2013 and going to continue until 14-Jan-2014.
It means Surya graha entering in to Dhanassu rashi on 15 Dec 2013 and will continue in Dhanassu Rashi (sagittarius) until 14-Jan-2014.
This month is considered inauspicious as per Vedic calendar, panchangams.
The following vital auspicious works should be avoided
1) Marriages (Vivah muhurats)
2) Gruha pravesam (House warming)
3) Gruharambham (foundation to house construction)
4) Engagements
5) Starting new businesses
6) Huge Investments
7) New works Etc
These are some of the examples
Pls contact Dr.Gurudeva on 732-448-0667 for more details.